Friday, February 13, 2009

I am not by any means supermom. I try to be, but I think a lot of moms do. We try to do it all, have a career, keep the house in perfect order, and raise happy, healthy, well behaved children. Some of us work out of necessity, to keep the finances afloat. Some of us work to keep a certain type of lifestyle. Some of us have careers outside the home simply to get outside the home! Before I had my children, I worked in childcare and/or taught preschool and kindergarten (depending on which facility treated and viewed me as a teacher). When I had my first baby, I just could not stand the thought of putting that baby into an assembly line situtation, even if I were working in the next classroom. I chose to get a certification to run a childcare out of my house. I could still do what I enjoyed, help my husband make ends meet, and be with my baby. Over the years, my opinions and viewpoints have changed from one end of the spectrum to the other. I started a blog because I wanted a voice. I hope the next few blogs will give me just that.

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